Fast Wednesdays, January 22, 2014 – Focused on the Goal (PRESS to Pass Your Test)

Greetings Beloved!

Focused on the Goal


Philippians 3:12 (MSG) 12-14 I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.

Thanks to Alvin Ellis for contributing to today’s topic. He shared with me that the blessing is in the pressing. God wants to take us to the next level but we cannot get there until we pass the tests or challenges that are already in our lives. Some challenges are current, some are from childhood, some are repeats…we are all human and know what its live to be in these cycles. So we are encouraging you to hang in there and press until you get your blessings (help is on the way), do not grow weary, keep running your race and you will reach your finish line.

On Monday, I hung out with a friend, and then walked the path that they have for the 5K Susan G Komen Cancer walk in Coconut Point, Estero, FL. It was exhilarating…here’s a picture I was able to snap of a bird on the trail…I am hoping to do more photography once I retire in a few years so I’m practicing…your input is welcomed and appreciate. I think I like nature best because the subjects cannot complain…lol!

FINANCES: (Recommended Reading)

We continue to have prayer for 14 days and its been a blessed experience at church. Sunday’s sermon, based on Luke 11:1 and Luke 18:1:
How do you develop a Lifestyle of Prayer?
1) A certain place, time and plan
Four areas of consistent focus:
2) My country, family, the lost and myself

Lord, I pray today that you would equip us with the strength we need to finish our races well in this thing called life, just like true Olympians! Mold us, shape us and make us into what you desire for your glory, here on earth and in heaven. Give us the courage, willpower and focus we need to persistently press towards the prize. AMEN.

Love, Joy and Peace,

Debra J. Ellis
Reminder AND/OR for those of you just joining us: The purpose of Fast Wednesdays is to draw near to God on this specific day of the week fasting and praying in whatever manner the Holy Spirit is leading you as sisters (and some brothers) in Christ…some have fasted from social media, coffee, or observed a traditional fast with no eating from sunrise to sunset with only liquids for the day, no deserts, etc. I know many of us, for various reasons, participate every week but in different manners. This has still been beneficial and the blog continues to grow!The key ingredient is that we are doing this together as sisters, of all ages, in the Lord, both chronologically and spiritually in accordance to: A God-Filled Life Titus 2:3-5 “Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior.”  Note: Please share Fast Wednesdays with your friends and/or send me names to add to the distribution list. For now, I will post in three places: email (, Facebook (Debra Fuller Ellis) and blog in Word Press:

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