Fast Wednesdays: Month of January 2023 – Do Not Take It Personal

Greetings Beloved!

Happy New Year!

Status Update Until Further Notice: I plan to post Fast Wednesdays at least once a month in 2023, and, looking forward to staying in touch. Many of you followed and/or stayed in touch with me last year through the different, challenging events I experienced. The primary one was helping my daughter, Nicole, get through the year from her stroke, two bouts of cancer, fire in NY, loss of job, and more!

Somehow, we made it! And we acknowledge the “somehow” was God on our side.

Thanks for all the different ways you blessed us, from prayers, phone calls, letters, meals, finances, and more.

In the meantime, I struggled and did not post, for a season, for assorted reasons. I thought “who would miss the posts? Did they even make a difference for anybody?” God convicted me, again, that the Fast Wednesdays ministry is about Him, not about me.

Please be patient with me, God is not through with me yet. I am reminded:

1) It is not about me so learn how to not take things personal (i.e., Someone asked
me to kindly remove them from the distribution of Fast Wednesdays)
2) Our suffering is NEVER in vain & WE have much to be thankful for
3) PRAYER works

One of my favorite songs in this current season is the RECKLESS Love of God sung by
Israel Houghton.

Just think, God would leave the other ninety-nine sheep to come find and /rescue you, because of his RECKLESS Love for you. It blows my mind…all the time!

Dear Lord, thank you for your faithfulness unto us especially when we struggle and do not get it right. Thank you for LAVISH GRACE. Thank you for remaining the same yesterday, today and forevermore … AMEN.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans
to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope
and a future. – Jeremiah 29:11

Love, Joy and Peace, 

Debra J. Fuller Ellis

Reminder AND/OR for those of you just joining us either by contacting me or I personally added you: The purpose of Fast Wednesdays is to draw near to God on this specific day of the week fasting and praying in whatever manner the Holy Spirit is leading you as sisters in Christ…some have fasted from social media, coffee, or observed a traditional fast with no eating from sunrise to sunset with only liquids for the day, no deserts, etc. I know many of us for various reasons participate every week but in different manners. This has still been beneficial, and the sisterhood continues to grow!

The key ingredient is that we are doing this together as sisters, of all ages, in the Lord both chronologically and spiritually in accordance to: A God-Filled Life Titus 2:3-5 “Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior.”  Note: Please share Fast Wednesdays with your friends and/or send me names to add to the distribution list. For now, I will post in three places: email (, Facebook (Debra Fuller Ellis) and blog on Word Press.

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Fast Wednesdays: Week of August 31, 2022 – Welcome September — God is in the Ordinary

Greetings Beloved!

WELCOME September! 


1 Corinthians 15:58 – Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. 

Nicole, my daughter, and I were chatting this weekend about how much we both love September and the autumn time of year … I’m beginning to see the autumn colors turning up everywhere. I recently saw Pumpkin flavored coffee at Dunkin Donuts so I guess that’s one of the surest gauges to tell us fall is upon us. We will start seeing everything pumpkin soon. Some I like, some is too much for me. Being from the north, of course, I remember the changing of the color of the leaves with great fondness. I am even remembering when we would rake up the leaves and “burn them.” It was also a time of farewell to most things green in nature.

What really gives me energy about the season and the scripture above is: 

1) New beginnings … I loved school, and actually still do. I always looked forward to a new school year as a young girl. I recall a program at my elementary school where the local bank came in and taught us how to make out bank slips and save money! I didn’t have a lot to save/put into my account as did my colleagues in the fourth – sixth grade, but I learned from watching those who did, and from my “twos and fews” how consistently saving money added up. Parents and grandparents, make sure you’re teaching your young finance lessons as the lessons go farther than you ever think. It was my mom and dad’s consistency that showed me the light when it came to saving. If you have been looking to change a habit why not start something new this season, you just might be successful this time. 

2) If we look at this season of autumn fast approaching, from within the perspective of the circle of life, it comes right after summer. Summer should have been a time when we did the most in terms of saving for the rainy days of being seniors. Retirements are sneaking fast upon many of us. There’s still time to take advantage of planning, its never too late. (I am not the expert and didn’t always get it right myself, okay, for the record). But there are many experts out there for you to get in touch with. 

3) God is in the Ordinary … I have learned no matter what you have been up to, stay the course, one step at a time, steadfast and unmovable, because you WIN. God WINS. I took the scripture above from the Life Application Bible, NRSV (New Revised Standard Version). The note for this scripture is so fitting … “Paul says that because of the resurrection, nothing we do is wasted. Sometimes we hesitate to do good because we don’t see any results. But if we can maintain a heavenly perspective, we understand that we don’t often see the good that results from our efforts. If we truly believe Christ has won the ultimate victory, it must affect the way we live right now. Don’t let discouragement over an apparent lack of results keep you from working. Do the good that you have the opportunity to do, know your work will have eternal results.” 

And, I submit that we will see some results, also, in our life time … it just might take far many more years than we wanted to wait. An example is Serena Williams …  from what I see, a humble athlete, who has been at it for many years and winning opens since she was 17 …! Playing each game consistently, steadfast and immovable … now about to retire at 40! . 


(47) Edwin Hawkins – If I Can Help Somebody – YouTube


Father, help us to take one day at a time. Amen.

Love, Joy and Peace, Debra J. Fuller Ellis

Reminder AND/OR for those of you just joining us either by contacting me or I personally added you: The purpose of Fast Wednesdays is to draw near to God on this specific day of the week fasting and praying in whatever manner the Holy Spirit is leading you as sisters in Christ…some have fasted from social media, coffee, or observed a traditional fast with no eating from sunrise to sunset with only liquids for the day, no deserts, etc. I know many of us for various reasons participate every week but in different manners. This has still been beneficial, and the sisterhood continues to grow!

The key ingredient is that we are doing this together as sisters, of all ages, in the Lord both chronologically and spiritually in accordance to: A God-Filled Life Titus 2:3-5 “Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior.”  Note: Please share Fast Wednesdays with your friends and/or send me names to add to the distribution list. For now, I will post in three places: email (, Facebook (Debra Fuller Ellis) and blog on Word Press. 

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Fast Wednesdays: Week of August 17, 2022 – Finding Strength

Greetings Beloved!

Each week, my team receives 5 concise devotionals at work, one for each day, that which we might share in various aspects, etc. This week I shared the following one with our Spiritual Ambassadors. I am sharing with you on Fast Wednesday this week as I thought you might need some helping “Finding Strength” as well. For the record, I did add the following sentence. “Maybe some of us need just a little more strength these days, what with children back in school, heavier traffic in the morning, longer evenings with homework, etc. we pray this concise devotional might be a catalyst!”  


Do you need strength today? Not just the physical strength to do your work or the mental strength to deal with life’s problems, but an inner strength that lifts your spirit and gives you hope for the future? With it, you will find courage to face the day. Today, ask God for His strength to fill you and lift your spirit.

Be of Good Courage.png


Following are two scriptures that always help me find some Strength. I have heard and personally experienced that usually just when you are most weary is when your breakthrough, bonus, blessing comes. Most times, you are probably hanging by a frazzled thread!

Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Isaiah 40:31 – NIV 31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Song: CeCe Winans – The Goodness of God 


Dear Lord, sometimes we find ourselves barely holding on and maybe just by a thread … and then you come in and bless the thread, and just like how you turned two fish and five loaves into a meal with leftovers, you turn the thread into a blanket and all the coverings we need. You give us strength to hold on and hold out to see what the end is going to be. Father, you prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies, with every provision we need on it. For this, thank you for your goodness, grace and mercy. We love you, you are awesome in all of your ways, which are not our ways. Amen.

Love, Joy and Peace, 

Debra J. Fuller Ellis

Reminder AND/OR for those of you just joining us either by contacting me or I personally added you: The purpose of Fast Wednesdays is to draw near to God on this specific day of the week fasting and praying in whatever manner the Holy Spirit is leading you as sisters in Christ…some have fasted from social media, coffee, or observed a traditional fast with no eating from sunrise to sunset with only liquids for the day, no deserts, etc. I know many of us for various reasons participate every week but in different manners. This has still been beneficial, and the sisterhood continues to grow!

The key ingredient is that we are doing this together as sisters, of all ages, in the Lord both chronologically and spiritually in accordance to: A God-Filled Life Titus 2:3-5 “Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior.”  Note: Please share Fast Wednesdays with your friends and/or send me names to add to the distribution list. For now, I will post in three places: email (, Facebook (Debra Fuller Ellis) and blog on Word Press. 

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Fast Wednesdays: Week of August 10, 2022 – Some Significance of Praise Reports aka Telling the Lord Thank You

 Greetings Beloved!

If you are like me, you are finding the summer sailing by while busy with lots of family time, projects and more! I can barely believe I haven’t posted since the week of July 20. I was recently given what’s called a star word by a beloved cohort. It’s like a word for the year which is usually given out around the end/beginning of the year. I told her I would use a fiscal year. My star word of 2022 … is GRACE. Right now I am learning how to SWIM in Grace and for those of you who do know me, you know I can’t swim! I am better about giving Grace than receiving it. I will provide updates I am sure on my GRACE Journey. BTW – do you have a word for the year or a season, etc.?

I last shared on the subject of TRUST. While I thought I had done some deep digging, I realize I am not finished and know that I will have more to share on that subject as well. At some point, I was concluding that TRUST was like LOVE, a decision. Yet I am discovering TRUST is way more complicated because it is more a two-way initiative. We are called by God to LOVE everyone.

Proverbs 3:4-6 basically instructs us to Trust the Lord with all our Heart and lean not to our own understanding. With that being said, I know we will be unpacking TRUST more and feel free to share your thoughts, observations, comments, etc. on the subject. 

This week’s Fast Wednesday came out of our Virtual Prayer Meeting we have at the office on Wednesdays. Its titled Some Significance of Praise Reports aka Telling the Lord Thank You.

SCRIPTURE: “And as they went, they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned with a loud voice glorifying God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. And he was a Samaritan.” (Luke 17:14-16)

The entire story is Luke 17:11-19. Perhaps someday we could unpack the entire story but for now just understand or remember that the Samaritans were hated by the Jews. They were treated like some of our minorities are treated today so the leper had two strikes against him … leprosy and being a Samaritan. Something must have happened that he recognized his condition and this blessing. For he “felt” the healing and could not contain the news. Jesus said, “Your faith has made you whole.”

Back in April, at work, we were asked to pray for someone at work who had a tumor and was told they had cancer. I saw them in the parking lot this morning and was informed that when the tumor was removed it tested FALSE for cancer!!! Furthermore, the person stated “God has been so good to me and thanks for all the prayers. I don’t know how else I would have made it. In this story too, this person’s faith made them whole!

There’s an old song that says, “Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.” Above all, this is a song and stories that teaches us to be thankful.

What are some of the types of things that happen when we Go Back and Tell those who prayed what happened with our issues …

1)      It encourages them and confirms that prayer works and they pray more 2

2)      Helps them have “tangible” examples of the power of prayer…some people need visuals

3)      Demonstrates how God answers prayers in various ways when you have a few examples of answered prayers. Yes, No, Maybe and more…

What are some ways to express your Gratitude to God and others for the answered prayers:  

1)      Pray … and tell God Thank You (he often wonders why you don’t call, write or text him like you do everybody else) just kidding but ummm …

2)      Put your gratitude to paper – Take out a blank piece of paper and make a list of 3 things and people you are grateful for in your life. A list of things God has given just you. 

3)      Everybody has problems and issues. You might not have the best but you have; so, appreciate and thank God for what you DO have. Take care of what you have by doing things such as keeping the old car cleaned until the new one comes, etc.

4)      Journal to God what you’re grateful for. I journal sometimes and I have a couple from over the years that I can go back to and see how God has blessed my life and the journals show me that God has never failed me and has been with me through the years.

5)      Rejoice and share the power of prayer with others! Write a note or card of encouragement and send it to someone you are grateful for and has blessed you. 


Maurette Brown Clark: I Just Want to Praise you Forever


Dear Lord, we praise you God because just like your word says you have never left us nor forsaken us. We feel beat up by the battle of life sometimes. Yet you send us a fresh wind and fresh fire and remind us the battle is not ours but yours. So with that in mind, may we pick ourselves up again, sooner or later, and continue our journey/race. We pray that you will be there saying “well done, good and faithful servant when we finish.” Amen. 

Note: This week’s Fast Wednesday is dedicated in loving memory to cousin Susan Marie Carroll Yarbourgh and Sister Jeanne Williams who are now in the bosom of our Lord…

Love, Joy and Peace, 

Debra J. Fuller Ellis

Reminder AND/OR for those of you just joining us either by contacting me or I personally added you: The purpose of Fast Wednesdays is to draw near to God on this specific day of the week fasting and praying in whatever manner the Holy Spirit is leading you as sisters in Christ…some have fasted from social media, coffee, or observed a traditional fast with no eating from sunrise to sunset with only liquids for the day, no deserts, etc. I know many of us for various reasons participate every week but in different manners. This has still been beneficial, and the sisterhood continues to grow!

The key ingredient is that we are doing this together as sisters, of all ages, in the Lord both chronologically and spiritually in accordance to: A God-Filled Life Titus 2:3-5 “Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior.”  Note: Please share Fast Wednesdays with your friends and/or send me names to add to the distribution list. For now, I will post in three places: email (, Facebook (Debra Fuller Ellis) and blog on Word Press. 

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Fast Wednesdays: Week of July 20, 2022 – Who Do You TRUST? Part III

Note: This Fast Wednesday is dedicated to my childhood friend, Cynthia Spearman, her Sister Diane, and all the family in the sudden lost of their brother, Rev. T. Anthony Spearman …

Greetings Beloved!

Summertime and the living is easy! Or is it? Since June 10, I have attended a weekend silent retreat in Oviedo, FL, as well as traveled three times to NC and once each to GA, VA, and TN. Today, I finally changed my main calendar in my office to July! Time flies when you are having fun is so true. And, God has blessed me with some incredibly deep and fun memories so far, this summer. I want to pinch myself. My love language* is “Quality Time” and I have overdosed on it with my family, friends and colleagues.

The last time I shared Fast Wednesdays, the topic was “Who Do You TRUST?.” I had been sharing on the topic the last two postings because “TRUST” was rattling around in my brain and soul for numerous reasons. (See Part I, June 8 and Part !! June 15, for more details).

I realized, while on my adventures, I still had some reflecting, contemplation and soul searching to do on the matter of TRUST. So, here’s some more food for thought:

As most of you know, I work at AdventHealth Wesley Chapel hospital as a chaplain these days. AdventHealth is a faith-based hospital system. One of the principles or  themes they have is called CREATION Life. Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust, Interpersonal Relationships, Outlook, and Nutrition. The belief is, if we focus and work on these 8 maxims, we will have a good, quality life. Total health: mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Here’s something I am sharing they have carved out on TRUST:

Scripture: For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. – Jeremiah 29:11


TRUST IN GOD Tip: Those who put God first in everything are happier. Focus on trusting His timing and relying on Him more.

TRUST IN GOD Tip: Intimacy with God is the best way to know Him. Get close to the Father by sharing your thoughts and feelings with Him in prayer.

TRUST IN GOD Tip: Talking things through with God can help make situations clear. Make prayer your first response to a difficult situation.

Within Part II, that I shared on Trust, I used the following article as a reference. There’s a ton of information on Trust here. What does the Bible say about trusting others? | **

In addition, I was sharing on the topic of TRUST, with some younger ladies recently. One commented that she had been “trusting people more than they deserved.” I totally understood her statement. She’s a very hard-working, single mother with a 19-year-old daughter who has sickle cell anemia.*** I relate to her as a single mom. And now, working in healthcare, I have such an appreciation for her as she has had to work within the system being the voice and advocate for her child as well as herself. Though Sickle Cell affects all races it is more pervasive and devastating in black communities.

While most of us have been taught by our parents and community to “give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to trust,” the young lady and I agreed, based on what life has served us thus far, we are not being hard hearted, when we sometimes discern some people and they will get “the doubt first, minus the benefits, until trust is built.”

The commandments tell us to love everyone. As we should. For as Dr. Howard Thurman would quote, “each of us are a ‘holy child’ of God.” Let’s take the commandments, one step further, and TRUST everybody. Of course, not from a naïve perspective, for many people show you who they are and some just can’t be trusted.

However, I am concluding that TRUST, like Love, is a decision. We decide whom we will TRUST similarly to deciding whom we will love. And, let God do the rest. I can’t tell you the number of times, I have met people whom I should have never trusted and the times I have met folks whom I kept at a distance, and they ended up being there, full pressed court, for me! Nothing but God…


Rance Allen Group “You That I Trust”


Dear Lord, many of us feel as though we live in a world void of TRUST. We bear the scars and wounds of deceptions and lies which some of us have been carrying around for decades and some more recent. Thanks for reminding us that you are all the TRUST we need. We also thank you for your unconditional love and how, in your own time, you heal us with the Balm of Gilead. AMEN. 


Resources (Links, etc):

*What are The 5 Love Languages? 

** What does the Bible say about trusting others? | 

***Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder where red blood cells (RBCs) become sickle/crescent shaped. It causes frequent infections, swelling in the hands and legs, pain, severe tiredness, and delayed growth or puberty. While it affects every race, it hits Black Americans more predominantly. 

It is estimated that:

·         SCD affects approximately 100,000 Americans.

·         SCD occurs among about 1 out of every 365 Black or African-American births.

·         SCD occurs among about 1 out of every 16,300 Hispanic-American births.

·         About 1 in 13 Black or African-American babies is born with sickle cell trait (SCT).

SCD occurs more often among people from parts of the world where malaria is or was common. It is believed that people who carry the sickle cell trait are less likely to have severe forms of malaria. Learn more about the protective effect of sickle cell trait against malaria.

Comprehensive Care – people with SCD have less access to comprehensive team care than people with genetic disorders such as hemophilia and cystic fibrosis. [Read articleexternal icon]

Love, Joy and Peace, 

Debra J. Fuller Ellis

Reminder AND/OR for those of you just joining us either by contacting me or I personally added you: The purpose of Fast Wednesdays is to draw near to God on this specific day of the week fasting and praying in whatever manner the Holy Spirit is leading you as sisters in Christ…some have fasted from social media, coffee, or observed a traditional fast with no eating from sunrise to sunset with only liquids for the day, no deserts, etc. I know many of us for various reasons participate every week but in different manners. This has still been beneficial, and the sisterhood continues to grow!

The key ingredient is that we are doing this together as sisters, of all ages, in the Lord both chronologically and spiritually in accordance to: A God-Filled Life Titus 2:3-5 “Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior.”  Note: Please share Fast Wednesdays with your friends and/or send me names to add to the distribution list. For now, I will post in three places: email (, Facebook (Debra Fuller Ellis) and blog on Word Press. 

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Fast Wednesdays: Week of June 8, 2022 – Who Do You TRUST?

Greetings Beloved!

Trust – [trəst] NOUN – firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something: “relations have to be built on trust” · “they have been able to win the trust of the others” 


confidence · belief · faith · freedom from suspicion/doubt –sureness · certainty · certitude · assurance · conviction · credence · reliance 

The Psychology and Economics of Trust: The results of hundreds of studies with trust games have yielded fascinating insights into the psychology/neurobiology and economics of trust. For instance: 

  • The hormone and neurotransmitter oxytocin increases trust, likely by suppressing the neural systems that regulate our fear of betrayal
  • When we feel negative emotions, we are less likely to trust others. 
  • We may base our decisions about whom to trust on their attractiveness, how much they resemble our kin members, and their facial features. 
  • Not only is trust an elixir for social functioning, but as part of a nation’s social capital, trust affects vital economic variables such as GDP growth and inflation rates
  • Trustworthiness is an esteemed virtue among friends and employers alike and it comes with a host of perks. Those with more trust are less likely to lie, and appear more ethical, more attractive and even happier (see review in Rotter, 1980). Moreover, someone who is deemed trustworthy appears to epitomize a set of positive characteristics, including ability (skills and competencies), benevolence (the will to do good), and integrity (adhering to principles). 

Who Do You Trust? | Psychology Today (link)  

As I share on the topic of trust today, looking back over my life, I realize the only one who has never failed me when it comes to trust, including myself, is God. God cares about what you’re going through and will walk beside you in your storm, desert, aspirations, failures, successes … all of life … if you invite Him.  

Trust Him with your future and be encouraged as you navigate the challenges along life’s journey. Challenges expected and unexpected!  

  1. It’s not about you so learn how to not take things personal. (Someone gives you an evil look you think, later on you find out they are struggling with their teenage daughter who just announced she’s pregnant at 17, or the woman has just found out her husband is cheating and wants a divorce after 25 years of marriage or the couple just learnt they will never have a baby the traditional way and that’s all they have been praying for over the last ten years of their marriage … it wasn’t about you)!
  2. Are you an Israelite? Complaining, complaining, complaining …  

    Scripture: Numbers 11:4-6 (The Message Bible) The misfits among the people had a craving and soon they had the People of Israel whining, “Why can’t we have meat? We ate fish in Egypt—and got it free!—to say nothing of the cucumbers and melons, the leeks and onions and garlic. But nothing tastes good out here; all we get is manna, manna, manna.”  God had parted the Red Sea and more, yet they still found reasons to complain. How quickly we forget the goodness of the Lord.  
  3. Invite Trust to evict complaints through PRAYER.  

    PrayerGod, I don’t like this space, season or place I am in YET I will trust you. When you don’t move the mountains, I need you to move, When you don’t part the waters I wish I could walk through, When you don’t give me the answers as I cry out to you, I will TRUST you. For you always have something better. Teach me how to TRUST holding onto your unchanging hand. AMEN.  


Lauren Daigle – Trust in You (Starstruck Sessions) – YouTube 

In “Trust in You,” Lauren Daigle encourages listeners to lay their dreams at the feet of God. When God doesn’t seem to come through, in our opinion. When He doesn’t move mountains or split rivers that stand in our way, Lauren asserts she will still trust in God. She asserts the goodness of God’s plans and how His ways are higher than ours could ever be (Isaiah 55:8-9). 

 The Mississippi Mass Choir – Put Your Trust In Jesus 

The Mississippi Mass Choir – Put Your Trust In JesusMississippi Mass Choir – Put Your Trust In JesusEmmanuel (God With Us)Apple Music:

Love, Joy and Peace,  

Debra J. Fuller Ellis

Reminder AND/OR for those of you just joining us either by contacting me or I personally added you: The purpose of Fast Wednesdays is to draw near to God on this specific day of the week fasting and praying in whatever manner the Holy Spirit is leading you as sisters in Christ…some have fasted from social media, coffee, or observed a traditional fast with no eating from sunrise to sunset with only liquids for the day, no deserts, etc. I know many of us for various reasons participate every week but in different manners. This has still been beneficial, and the sisterhood continues to grow!

The key ingredient is that we are doing this together as sisters, of all ages, in the Lord both chronologically and spiritually in accordance to: A God-Filled Life Titus 2:3-5 “Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior.”  Note: Please share Fast Wednesdays with your friends and/or send me names to add to the distribution list. For now, I will post in three places: email (, Facebook (Debra Fuller Ellis) and blog.

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Fast Wednesdays: June 1, 2022 – Stir Up Your Gifts and/or Don’t Take No For an Answer

Greetings Beloved! 

Today I share with you a devotional I prepared for the Hospital’s Clinical Ladder Luncheon where we celebrated the nurses who are climbing the ladder of leadership, skills, career and employee development. I share as “food for thought” in whatever it is you are doing this season of life. 

Scripture: The gift is in us, but we have the responsibility to stir it up. The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you” (2 Timothy 1:6).   

Hidden within you, you have one of the most powerful tools unknown to mankind. One that has the capabilities to change the course of history. What is that tool? It is your God-given gift!  

In the New King James Version of the Bible, the verse above is translated, “Stir up the gift of God.”  

The gift is not something we learn.  

It is something God gave us.  

It is something we need to discover and then stir up.  

No one else can activate your gift for you.  

You have to do it yourself.  

You stir up your gift by developing, refining, enhancing, and using it. 

YOU have a gift! I have a gift, together we all have gifts!!!  

That’s where education comes in. Education can’t give you your gift, but it can help you develop it so that it can be used to the maximum. Proverbs 17:8 says, “A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it: whithersoever it turneth, it prospereth” (KJV). In other words, a gift is like a precious stone to the one who has it, and whenever he stirs it up, it turns into prosperity.   

You all have just taken another step in perfecting your gift. Now, if you use your gift, it will prosper you. Don’t waste your time being jealous of others’ gifts. Moreover, you are not to mimic the gifts of others. Stir up your own gift.   

Recently, I read an article on Louis Armstrong, the jazz musician. He reportedly applied to go to music school and was brought in for an audition. They gave him scales to sing, but he could sing only the first two notes properly, so they told him he didn’t have what it takes to be a musician.  

The story said that he cried because they rejected him from the music program. But Louis told his friends afterward, “I know there’s music in me, and they can’t keep it out.” He eventually became one of the most successful and beloved jazz musicians. He sold more records and made more money than scores of others who were more talented at singing.  

Now he is forever etched in the history of music because of his perseverance and resilience.  

Also, although we are all born as originals, many of us become imitators. I used to think and tried to become like everyone else and join the rat race. However, as I matured, I realized that if all the rats are in a race, and you win, you simply become the Big Rat.  

I recommend that you get out of the rat race, stop competing with the community, stop being in a contest with society, stop trying to keep up with the Joneses, stop trying to please everybody, and say, “I’m not going to be a rat. I’m going to find my own niche. 

I’m going to make room for myself in the world by using my gift.” 

What better gift than to be called and used in the compassionate, healing, cutting edge field of nursing that has been around for centuries, in some manner or another…and, at such a time as this! 

Do now as St. Ignatius of Loyola wrote: “Go forth and set the world on fire.”  

Prayer: Father, as we gather together today for the celebration of this milestone event, we thank you for your endless goodness to each one here. Thank you for the skills and talents that you have bestowed on everyone that is a part of this wonderful event. Thanks for stirring up the gifts of creativity, ideas and energy, in each honoree and giving them wisdom and insight to work on projects that reflect excellence in every way.  

We open our hearts to you now and invite your Holy Spirit to be present amongst us.  

May each person here today be lights of your love:  

A love that overcomes difficulty.  

A love that builds relationships.  

A love that inspires diligence. 

A love that delivers excellence.  

A love that develops trust.  

Today, everyone one gives you thanks for being there in the stressful moments, for the times you breathed on them to reignite the sparks when they were weary and burning out. Thanks for bringing hope, life and courage to the participants, and to all whom they come in contact with, on this day of completion.   

Bless this meal, the spirit of inspiration and memories being made.  

Finally, may we all find rest in you.  Thank you Lord.  Amen.  


Louis Armstrong (Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen) 

Love, Joy and Peace,  

Debra J. Fuller Ellis

Reminder AND/OR for those of you just joining us either by contacting me or I personally added you: The purpose of Fast Wednesdays is to draw near to God on this specific day of the week fasting and praying in whatever manner the Holy Spirit is leading you as sisters in Christ…some have fasted from social media, coffee, or observed a traditional fast with no eating from sunrise to sunset with only liquids for the day, no deserts, etc. I know many of us for various reasons participate every week but in different manners. This has still been beneficial, and the sisterhood continues to grow!

The key ingredient is that we are doing this together as sisters, of all ages, in the Lord both chronologically and spiritually in accordance to: A God-Filled Life Titus 2:3-5 “Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior.”  Note: Please share Fast Wednesdays with your friends and/or send me names to add to the distribution list. For now, I will post in three places: email (, Facebook (Debra Fuller Ellis) and blog.

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Fast Wednesdays: Week of May 25, 2022 – Being Fully Present

Greetings Beloved!

Texas school shooting … Horror at Robb Elementary School (Uvalde, TX) … AGAIN … ENOUGH … these words made the headlines of newspapers across the world today as we reel from the shooting yesterday at the school where nineteen 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders plus their two teachers were killed! 

I remember being a 3rd grade Sunday School teacher some years ago. Dear Lord, what innocence, raw goodness, that we seem not able to protect…Our hearts are broken … AGAIN … we are saying thoughts and prayers for the families, friends, loved ones and others … AGAIN. Just like everyone else, I am clueless as to when these shootings will stop and I hope to be able to do something about it when asked or I find the right cause, etc. (Anybody has any thoughts keep us posted). 

In the meantime, as I share on the subject of Being Fully Present, I must reveal, it’s something that’s been on my heart frequently and deeply lately because, I believe its timely. Most of us have slowed down due to the pandemic, etc., and we are learning how to stop and smell the roses. For me, in additional to my daughter’s recent illnesses which definitely made me slow down, my love language is quality time. I can go to Loews or drive together to pick up a pizza and consider it a great moment. I am becoming more and more intentional about making these moments happen and Being Fully Present with no or less distractions.

I found the following explanation on being vs doing and it scratches the surf of what I am trying to unearth.

“Doing is usually connected with a vocation or career, how we make a living. Being is much deeper. It relates to character, who we are, and how we make a life. Doing is tied in closely with activity, accomplishments, and tangible things—like salary, prestige, involvements, roles, and trophies. Being, on the other hand, has more to do with intangibles, the kind of people we become down inside, much of which can’t be measured by objective yardsticks and impressive awards. But of the two, being will ultimately outdistance doing every time. It may take half a lifetime to perfect . . . but hands down, it’s far more valuable. And lasting. And inspiring.

Being Fully Present also means “remaining in the present moment. Part of living day-to-day means focusing on the now rather than worrying about the future or fretting over the past. Jesus gave us explicit instructions.”


Matthew 6:33-34 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

As I attempt to unpack this thought and scripture further, I recall in my Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) training, where I spent quality time reflecting on myself and realized how I expended most of my life “doing” versus “being.” Doing was a big part of my culture and my parents, elders, teachers and more, did a great job of drilling and reinforcing the importance of it into us. We were taught to be active, always on the go, and get things done or you were considered lazy and idle. Being was a “no-no.” Actually, I’m pretty sure I never heard of the concept of “being” until much later in life.

Currently, I am a few years out of CPE training and I still struggle with “being vs doing” but thankful I have discovered the concept as well as the difference between the two.  I am reminded of some of the minority, women, and small owned business entrepreneurs (MWBEs), I use to work with in my previous corporate life. Some of these entrepreneurs would work (doing) versus coming out to the networking events and functions (being).  Even I knew at that time, that working was counterproductive to getting themselves out and known to the supplier diversity community on a professional yet personal level.

Coincidentally, I shared the following a few weeks ago on being fully present:

Relish and take the time to celebrate every moment. (I have been rushing to the “next” thing in life since I was in elementary school. When I was 7 or 8, couldn’t wait to be 10, turned 10 and couldn’t wait for 16, at 16 couldn’t wait to be 21, 21 rushed to be 33, at 33 longed for 42, at 42 couldn’t wait for 50, at 50 couldn’t wait for 60, at 60 can’t wait for 16 … just kidding on the last one. I am finally satisfied and contented, now at 66 (67). I wish I could redo life just to enjoy the successes and even failures that I barely gleaned and jumped over) so rapidly!

Finally, verse 34 of this scripture, is telling us that “planning for tomorrow is time well spent. Worrying for tomorrow is time wasted. Sometimes its difficult to tell the difference. Careful planning is thinking ahead about goals, steps, and schedules, and trusting in God’s guidance. When done well, planning can help alleviate worry. The worrier, by contrast, is consumed by fear and finds it difficult to trust God. The worrier lets his plans interfere with his relationship with God. Don’t let worries about tomorrow affect your relationship with God today.” And, once you have laid out your plan, relax, launch, execute and “be.”


Pastor Mike

Amazing – YouTube


Heavenly Father, we pray for the children … bless us to remember to spend some time “being” vs “doing,” in our relationships with you and others, in such a time as this. Remind us to be grateful, be focused, and be fully present. Amen.

Love, Joy and Peace, 

Debra J. Fuller Ellis

Reminder AND/OR for those of you just joining us either by contacting me or I personally added you: The purpose of Fast Wednesdays is to draw near to God on this specific day of the week fasting and praying in whatever manner the Holy Spirit is leading you as sisters in Christ…some have fasted from social media, coffee, or observed a traditional fast with no eating from sunrise to sunset with only liquids for the day, no deserts, etc. I know many of us for various reasons participate every week but in different manners. This has still been beneficial, and the sisterhood continues to grow!

The key ingredient is that we are doing this together as sisters, of all ages, in the Lord both chronologically and spiritually in accordance to: A God-Filled Life Titus 2:3-5 “Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior.”  Note: Please share Fast Wednesdays with your friends and/or send me names to add to the distribution list. For now, I will post in three places: email (, Facebook (Debra Fuller Ellis) and blog

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Fast Wednesdays: Week of May 4, 2022 – Shout Out for Happy Mother’s Day and National Day of Prayer

Greetings Beloved!

This weekend many will take the time out to honor ALL types of mothers: from biological mothers, spiritual mothers, God mothers, aunties who are mothers, single family dads, single family moms, all those who have been like a mother, the neighborhood mothers, those who did not become mothers by choice or God’s design, mothers who are out of relationships with their children due to unforeseen circumstances such as perhaps addictions, paw mothers, and beyond. Certainly its one of Hallmarks’ biggest card sales days, the flowers, and other gems are flying off the shelf to the well deserved homes. Also, I recall how the telephone lines would be so busy that Sunday that you had to call a few times to get that call in to mom.. And how they even had commercials “Did you call her yet?” If this is not your story, that’s okay as well as everyone has HIStory. 

In the meantime, my lead chaplain shared with us recently that there are no prayers as powerful as a mother who prays for her children. My siblings and I are thankful to have a praying mother who’s still with us. I thank God that he honored me with the title Mother and M2 (stepmom). These two titles are amongst my most prized possessions eternally! No matter what your situation might be, I pray you will be blessed with some unconditional (agape) love this weekend by the woman or women in your life who leads in the role of mom or you be blessed with the memories of one. I will be praying for all maternal relationships and God’s continuous healing and reconciling love. Here’s a couple of Songs about Momma from my culture that we enjoyed listening to and reminiscing on: 

I Remember Mama Pastor, Evangelist, Shirley Caesar

I’ll Always Love my Momma – The Intruders (They are a little older like me these days)

Sade – The Spinners

Here’s a poem particularly for those who may be grieving a recent loss of mom: 

National Day of Prayer 2022:

Lord, we exalt You.

We are filled with awe and wonder as our praise joins the heavenly hosts saying,

“Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts,

The whole earth is full of His glory.”

You have established Your throne in heaven and the foundations of the earth.

You alone are the Creator; the earth is Yours and all it contains is for Your glory.

You created and established all of us as Your image bearers.

May our lips and lives continually praise You, reflecting and magnifying You in all our words and ways.

You are the author of our days, You have established Your plans and purpose for us.

We respond to your glory and authority in obedience to Your Word and will.

You have established prayer that we, Your children,

Can communicate with our Heavenly Father directing, strengthening, and discipling us in Your everlasting love.

We join heaven’s activities as we lift up our prayers

And pour out our praise, repentance, thanks, intercession and supplication.

Lord, You have established America through the hearts of our founding fathers and

the documents they penned declaring our dependence on Your sovereignty and supremacy.

We overflow with gratitude having been firmly rooted and built up in our faith in You.

 Let our reputation be of our faith in Christ alone,

our love for all people, and fruitful lives bearing the attitude, affections, and actions of Your Spirit,

Who dwells and works within us and through us.

We pray for America: the Church, Family, Education,

Military, Workplace, Government, Arts, Entertainment and Media.

United in Your love, we exalt the Lord who has established us.

In Jesus Name we always pray, Amen!

Love, Joy and Peace, 

Debra J. Fuller Ellis

Reminder AND/OR for those of you just joining us either by contacting me or I personally added you: The purpose of Fast Wednesdays is to draw near to God on this specific day of the week fasting and praying in whatever manner the Holy Spirit is leading you as sisters in Christ…some have fasted from social media, coffee, or observed a traditional fast with no eating from sunrise to sunset with only liquids for the day, no deserts, etc. I know many of us for various reasons participate every week but in different manners. This has still been beneficial, and the sisterhood continues to grow!

The key ingredient is that we are doing this together as sisters, of all ages, in the Lord both chronologically and spiritually in accordance to: A God-Filled Life Titus 2:3-5 “Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior.”  Note: Please share Fast Wednesdays with your friends and/or send me names to add to the distribution list. For now, I will post in three places: email (, Facebook (Debra Fuller Ellis) and blog

Attachments area

Preview YouTube video I Remember Mama Pastor, Evangelist, Shirley Caesar

I Remember Mama Pastor, Evangelist, Shirley CaesarPreview YouTube video The Intruders – I’ll Always Love My Mama (Tradução)The Intruders – I’ll Always Love My Mama (Tradução)Preview YouTube video The Spinners – Sadie – Live 1976 – MothersThe Spinners – Sadie – Live 1976 – Mothers

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Fast Wednesdays: Week of April 27, 2022 – Bloom Where You Are Planted

Greetings Beloved!

First, I must acknowledge that I am back from a self-imposed hiatus. As most of you know, I have been on a health, healing and hope journey with my daughter, Nicole. October 27, 2021, she had a bleeding stroke, followed by stage 1 uterine cancer and an emergency hysterectomy so I was out with her in Colorado until February 19, 2022, when we drove to New York where she was going to get a fresh start and stay with one of my girlfriend’s whom she has known since she was in the single digits age wise.

Well, on March 25, 2022, my friend’s home burnt down and has been designated, uninhabitable. Easter week I fly to NY, picked up Nicole, and we drove back here to Florida. I was blown away by the fire in so many ways that I needed to take some time and just “be still.” There were so many emotions exposed, for me, but the main thing is everyone is safe. The sad thing is everybody lost everything in the fire. My girlfriend lost her lifelong material possessions, etc. Nicole lost even all her papers from her illness, her car title, and the little bit of things she had left. What do I say to all this? I have learned that the more painful things are, the less words you have to say. I am also learning how to be a “calming presence” in the midst of storms, stress, and trauma!

Some Lessons Learned based on the last whirlwind six (6) weeks:

  1. Faith is directly connected to trusting God. (Faith allows the IMPOSSIBLE to BE POSSIBLE).
  2. God wants us to be anchored, centered, grounded in HIM. (Not just in a “religion, tradition, images, material possessions, etc.”
  3. Relish and take the time to celebrate every moment. (I have been rushing to the “next” thing in life since I was in elementary school. When I was 7 or 8, couldn’t wait to be 10, turned 10 and couldn’t wait for 16, at 16 couldn’t wait to be 21, 21 rushed to be 33, at 33 longed for 42, at 42 couldn’t wait for 50, at 50 couldn’t wait for 60, at 60 can’t wait for 16 … just kidding on the last one. I am finally satisfied and contented, now at 66. I wish I could redo just to enjoy the successes and even failures that I barely gleaned and jumped over)!
  4. Stop courting, dating or being engaged to God … marry Him! (I had been doing this for years. I wanted my cake and ate it too is the expression. However, Falling in Love with Jesus is the Best Thing I Have Ever Done.
  5. Bloom Where You are Planted … We are experiencing the spring season now. It’s one of my favorites. Nicole and I had a beautiful drive home from NY seeing all the blossoms, pastel colors, etc. I was reminded, how God created you and I for a specific purpose. Its ours alone to do on planet earth. If we don’t get it done, it won’t be done. We can’t do everything. Stop comparing ourselves to others and start celebrating others for their gifts.

Once we stay in our lanes, stabilize in the soil where God has planted us, and take an inventory of our specific skills and talents, we become less competitive as well as more assured with the things that are ours to be done specifically. I know I can’t crochet any longer, if I want something done, I call on my sister Stephanie, for instance. If I need to “name” something or be creative, I call upon Nicole. And, when I need to write something, now that’s where I operate so I get busy. I am now even learning to collaborate and can call a niece or cousin who I know have these skills and share willingly.

Being content, right where I am, is yielding an amazing crop of good will and fruit that only I, with God’s help, can produce. I pray you find the good soil and qualities to produce the fruit God has given just to you!

How can you apply these lessons in your life?


Order My Steps by GMWA Women of Worship

“Order My Steps” Lyrics & Video by GMWA Women of Worship – YouTube


Dear Lord thanks planting us in great soil where we “are enough” and have all we need to thrive. Remind us to slow down and be still so we can hear your voice when you call us, and it will enable us to fulfill our calling and purpose in life. We love you. Help us to strive to make you number one in our lives, whereby we will thrive. We give you the glory, the honor, and the praise. Amen.

Love, Joy and Peace, 

Debra J. Fuller Ellis

Reminder AND/OR for those of you just joining us either by contacting me or I personally added you: The purpose of Fast Wednesdays is to draw near to God on this specific day of the week fasting and praying in whatever manner the Holy Spirit is leading you as sisters in Christ…some have fasted from social media, coffee, or observed a traditional fast with no eating from sunrise to sunset with only liquids for the day, no deserts, etc. I know many of us for various reasons participate every week but in different manners. This has still been beneficial, and the sisterhood continues to grow!

The key ingredient is that we are doing this together as sisters, of all ages, in the Lord both chronologically and spiritually in accordance to: A God-Filled Life Titus 2:3-5 “Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior.”  Note: Please share Fast Wednesdays with your friends and/or send me names to add to the distribution list. For now, I will post in three places: email (, Facebook (Debra Fuller Ellis) and blog. 

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